Last updated on: 05 May 2024
24-12-2021 - 23-12-2023

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
Full Time and Part Time
Upon completion of the module, the learners is able to acquire the knowledge and understanding of database modelling with database design concepts applying ER method and SQL statements and functions. Learners will be able to produce a conceptual and implementations database model for a given problem domain, optimize the database design for efficient execution and use SQL statements and functions to implement and maintain database systems.
1. Define data design principles, strategies and database modelling techniques. (K1, K2)

2. Define functions and implications of data parameters and fields and determine the parameters and fields to be set for data models. (K3, A2)

3. Define processes for development of database schemas and review developed database schemas. (K4, A3)

4. Define data warehousing concepts and methodologies and direct the construction of data warehouses, identifying multiple sources of data to be integrated. (K5, A6)

5. Design data models based on analysis of data requirements and project objectives and formulate data flow diagrams to model processes in information systems. (A1, A4)

6. Develop mechanisms and processes to optimise flow, maintenance, storage and retrieval of data to meet organisation objectives. (A5)
1. Minimum a Diploma from a recognised institute
2. Admission consideration may be given on a case by case basis to learners who may not meet
the above entry requirements but has extensive and relevant working experiences
3. At least a C6 pass for English (EL1) at GCE ‘O’ Levels or equivalent
4. Recommended to have basic computer operating knowledge
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